June -- Kboxing

June is a month of KBOXing!!

I cannot remember how many times I been there with different group of friends. :) but since it is school holidays so YUP... my girls like to sing!!

Especially this girl below. Can you guess who is she?

As long as Regina and Yifei started singing, Erm we will need to wait very long for our turn! haha

Hanging out with my CG girls, make me feel so young. haha and I totally think they are awesome. I didnt realised that my girls can be so crappy. "CULTURE MANDATE" :) 

Seriously I want to go more often with them. I really thank God for the chance to fellowship with them.

Honestly when I know TODAY school reopens, I was as sad as them.. :(

Going to miss them!!


Regina Ang said...
9:42 PM

I love amber tan xiao fen (:

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