Malaysia Trips

Been to Malacca and Johore recently, took a few photos but never really blogged about here goes..haha super long ago..

Malacca Trip

love this photo..taken from shing's blog.
Rest are from my new BB phone loh.. haha
If only i brought along my swimwear, I will really jump in!!
Yuppie, a group of us went for massage. Me and Lian in the same room. It was really PAINFUL but still shiok.. :)

Johore Trip
What i really like about this trip is still the SEAFOOD!! :) Anyway as usual, I spent the most.. haha the rest was so thrifty..and I am such a spendthrift..

Anyway the most unforgettable about these both trips is that I really get the chance to fellowship with my zone people. I really miss spending time with them. Now SOT getting yup..thanks for all the wonderful memories that I had in these last few months...


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