Candlelight Service

Theres no better way than to celebrate XMAS with Jesus and to see many friends coming to church!! :) Candlelight service was awesome and so were my CG! You guys are really amazing! Thank you for all your hardwork....we were all so tired....but the last 2 days, we never stop! You guys fellowship and fellowship non-stop with friends, trying your very best to smile and serve wherever possible! And I am so touched! really I am!! And now while we are getting ready for 24th and 25th december, everyone is trying their best to bring Jesus a BIG birthday present! For the last two days..let me think..I have given like 10 pple salvation BS! Coolz...more to come...

We have a total of 3 My hope party with 18 friends and 10 salvation as well! Yeah! Yeah! Xiaoshi did such a good job coordinating give her a big big clap!! :)

Really want to say THANK YOU to all your hardwork!!


Ed or Edmund Tay said...
10:24 AM


Well Done!

10 Salvation BS!!!


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