Funny Questions....

Was asked to answer these qns...and then each qns represent the way you view certain things in life...(If you want to take this test, please dont look at the end, take a piece of paper and answer the questions first)

1) What's your favorite domestic animal? Give me three reasons why?
Cats! They are cute, good to hug and simply irresistible
2) What's your favorite wild animal? Give me three reasons why?
Tiger! Beautiful, Smart, Strong
3) If you were deserted on a beach, give me three emotions you'd feel.
Happy, Time to Relax, I want music
4) If you were in a forest, what are three emotions you'd feel?
Fun, adventurous, exciting
5) If you were in a white room surrounded by people dressed in white, give me three emotions you'd feel.
Love, holy, cool
6) What's your favorite food? Give me three reasons why?
Chicken Wing! Fried, chicken, tender

1) The reasons she gave for her favorite 'domestic animal' is how she thinks other people see her.
2) The reasons she gave for her favorite 'wild animal' is how she sees herself.
3) The emotions she gave for how she'd feel on a deserted beach are her current views on life.
4) The emotions she gave for how she'd feel in a forest are her views on death.
5) The emotions she gave for how she'd feel in a white room are her views on marriage.
6) And the three reasons for why she likes her favorite food are her views on sex.

My view on these QNS! Oh my...its quite funny though.....haha :P


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